Minister Plenipotentiary Doran-York welcomes Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Hasani Ellis to The Netherlands.

doranyorkellis19022017THE HAGUE:— Newly appointed Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary H.E. Hasani Ellis received a grand welcome to the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary in The Hague from Minister Plenipotentiary H.E. Henrietta Doran-York and the staff of her cabinet upon his arrival in The Netherlands.
Deputy Minister Ellis was first welcomed at the Schiphol Airport in the Royal Room of the VIP Lounge, after which he was brought to The Hague where he began his tenure at the Cabinet.
At the Cabinet, the Deputy Minister Ellis first met one on one with Minister Plenipotentiary Doran-York, who after first welcoming him officially to his new workplace, wished him much success during his tenure in The Hague and continued to inform him of the tasks of a Minister Plenipotentiary, and what was expected of him as Deputy Minister.
Minister Doran-York said; “Leaving your loved ones behind can never be easy for anyone, no matter the reason. So, over the years, persons traveling abroad in order to serve Sint Maarten, have been greatly respected by “most” persons back on the Island, as they admitted, that although some might, not many were very anxious to take such a big step and leave the Land of their birth behind.”
She continued at the same time to say to the Deputy Minister, that with the solid support of family, friends and a good staff, all will be well and well worth it in the long run.
Minister Plenipotentiary H.E. Mrs. Doran-York, who also served as Minister Plenipotentiary before, has been serving in her present capacity, without a Deputy Minister ever since being appointed in 2015. She therefore deems it a great asset, that once again, a Deputy Minister will be serving at the Cabinet of Sint Maarten in The Hague, as on Sint Maarten, each Minister is deputized by another Minister, whenever they are absent from their cabinet, be it often times to travel abroad for work, but also in cases of illness or for other personal reasons.
The Deputy Minister also met with the staff of the Cabinet and was informed of the tasks of each staff member and given explicit details of their individual tasks.
Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Ellis thanked Minister Plenipotentiary Doran-York for the gracious manner in which he was received in the Netherlands and mentioned that he was elated and already felt very much welcomed at the Cabinet. He mentioned that he was most humbled by the manner in which the Minister Plenipotentiary arranged his reception, from arrival on Schiphol Airport to the Cabinet in The Hague.
Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Ellis further stated that he was willing, able and capable for the job to which he was appointed and that he does look forward towards working and serving his country Sint Maarten to the best of his ability, alongside with the Minister Plenipotentiary and together with the staff at the Cabinet.
Minister Doran-York thought it fitting that, after traveling for such a long period to reach to The Netherlands, to express a feeling of home, by inviting Deputy Minister Ellis to a sumptuous Caribbean Lunch with the staff in his honor, at the Cabinet, towards which he again expressed great appreciation.

Minister Doran-York stated that in the very near future, Deputy Minister Ellis will be introduced to the different SxM Foundations and the Sint Maarten community in The Netherlands.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Minister Plenipotentiary Doran-York welcomes Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Hasani Ellis to The Netherlands.