Ministerial Regulation (MR) imposes up to 4 months detention or 5,000 ANG fines for 11 PM closure violators. | SMN NEWS

omarottley23042021PHILIPSBURG: — Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA), Omar Ottley is reminding the General Public of the COVID-19 measures that are still obligatory.
In just a week, the active COVID numbers surged to 300 plus persons; 18 patients are currently hospitalized at SMMC, and 290 persons are in home isolation. To date, 39 persons have succumbed to the disease.
In an effort to address the situation, Minister Ottley is requesting that all businesses start to implement the safety protocols previously set.
The COVID-19 measures have not changed, stores are still expected to provide hand sanitizing stations at ...

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