MP Christopher Emmanuel calls on Council of Ministers to put their money where their mouth is when appointing locals in top positions

emmanuelclark23062016PHILIPSBURG:— Member of Parliament Christopher Emmanuel did not mingle with words on Thursday in an interview with SMN News when he called on the Council of Ministers especially the Minister of Finance Richard Gibson Sr to appoint locals to top positions that are yet to be filled.
MP Emmanuel said that the Council of Ministers should appoint the acting head of the Cadaster Office Marcia Peterson as head of the department since she has been carrying out the day to day task of that office. Further to that he said Peterson is fully qualified for the position.
Emmanuel said that Minister Gibson said some weeks ago that locals must be placed in top positions through evolution or revolution, therefore he feels that the Council of Ministers should not only be talking for the sake of talking or to gain mileage instead the Council of Ministers should act, since actions speaks louder than voice and talk is cheap.

Source: St. Martin News Network
MP Christopher Emmanuel calls on Council of Ministers to put their money with their mouth is when it comes to appointing locals in top positions.