Cay Hill:— The staff of NIPA are at their wits-ends as they were not informed as to when they will be paid their salaries. In a press release issued on Tuesday the staff of NIPS said in a press release that they would like to notify the government primarily, the Minister of Education that we do not know when we are going to be paid AGAIN! The chairlady of the board resigned about 3 weeks ago which should have been an indication to the remaining 3 members (Kenrick Housen, Yvette Franca and Selby Philips.) that a second signature was necessary in order for all bills including salaries to be paid for the month of February. They are only now supposedly making arrangements with the Chamber of Commerce to appoint a new Chairperson in order to then proceed to the bank where they will appoint a new authorized signatory in order for some normalcy to return. We are unsure and have not been informed as to the duration of this process, but up until this point as in the last incident in January no word from the board. This is the second month that the staff has had to wait and wonder when they will be paid due to negligence and what can be considered vindictiveness from the board. We the staff of the National Institute for Professional Advancement state here very clearly that this behavior is completely unprofessional and unbecoming!
Source: St. Martin News Network NIPA Staff again in doubt as to when they will be paid?
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