Optimism for High-Season intensifies as Port St. Maarten Group and Minister Lawrence confirms possibility of new Homeporting options. | SMN NEWS

alexrogerhomeporting21102021POINTE BLANCHE:---  During the Caribbean’s largest and only official Cruise event in the region, the 27th Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) took place in Panama this week, Port St. Maarten Group and the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications (Minister of TEATT) Hon. Roger Lawrence, held great discussions with cruise industry leaders regarding aligning visions of St. Maarten and the cruise industry.
One of the key meetings held by Minister Lawrence, accompanied by Port St. Maarten Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alexander Gumbs, was with MSC Cruise Chairman for North America, Rick Sasso. “MSC is 1000% interested in working with ...


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38860-optimism-for-high-season-intensifies-as-port-st-maarten-group-and-minister-lawrence-confirms-possibility-of-new-homeporting-options.html