Outgoing President Lion Alphons Gumbs new District Zone Chairperson for the Sint Maarten Lions Club. | SMN NEWS

alphonsogumbs08072021PHILIPSBURG:—Lion Alphons Gumbs has been appointed as the new District Zone Chairperson of Zone 2B for the Sint Maarten Lions Club for the Lionistic year 2021-2022. The announcement was made on Saturday, June 26th at the Paradise Event Hall, Cay Hill as the curtains came down on the celebration of the 50th Anniversary year of the Sint Maarten Lions Club, under the theme “50 years of dedicated service and commitment to our community,” with the Installation Ceremony of the Board of Directors of the Sint Maarten Lions Club, St. Maarten “Alpha” Leo Club and Sint Maarten South “Omega” Leo Club.

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38025-outgoing-president-lion-alphons-gumbs-new-district-zone-chairperson-for-the-sint-maarten-lions-club.html