Pilot project regulating immigration status of foreign workers to launch on January 16. | SMN NEWS

annarichardson11012022PHILIPSBURG:--- The pilot project which will allow the business community an opportunity to regulate the legal living status of their tenured non-national employees is scheduled to Go-Live on Monday, January 16, 2023. The pilot project which also has an initial timeframe of six months, is exclusively for new applicants who can prove the working relationship between the employee and the employer or whose residence and/or employment permit has expired past the period of the “tolerance term,” thus subjecting them to all apply as first-time applicants.

In preparation for the launch, the Justice, VSA and TEATT Covenant Task Force will hold ...


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/42120-pilot-project-regulating-immigration-status-of-foreign-workers-to-launch-on-january-16.html