Police holds Anti-bullying info sessions at S.D.A School. | SMN NEWS

antibullying21092021PHILIPSBURG:--- Upon the invitation of the Seventh Day Adventist Primary School, personnel for the Police Force of Sint Maarten’s Youth and Morals Division held an anti-bullying and cyberbullying information session for fifth graders on September 16.
Via such information sessions, police aim to establish a more meaningful and positive connection between police officers and children in elementary and secondary schools.
The KPSM management team expresses gratitude to Seventh Day Adventist School for its invitation.


KPSM Press Release.


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38602-rotary-district-governor-louis-wever-visits-rotary-sunset.html

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38598-police-holds-anti-bullying-info-sessions-at-s-d-a-school.html