Port St. Maarten and Walter Plantz Square Spread Valentine’s Day Cheer.

wpsvalentine14022017POINTE BLANCHE:— In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, red roses were given out to the ladies and customers at Port St. Maarten, the Walter Plantz Square (WPS) and at the St. Maarten’s Senior Citizens Home at St. John’s Estate, as a loving gesture and giving back to the community on this special day of the year.
Valentine’s Day comes once a year where one expresses their love for our significant others and sweethearts by giving Valentine’s cards, sending flowers, and doing romantic things, but this should be done every single day of the year.
Port St. Maarten Management values its employees and customers every single day and wishes them a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Port St. Maarten and Walter Plantz Square Spread Valentine’s Day Cheer.