PORT ST. MAARTEN:— Port St. Maarten endorses the Rotary Club of St. Maarten #SXMUNITE campaign, “Let’s show them SXM is ready to open!” The first clean-up activity is set for Saturday, November 4 at the Boardwalk. The clean-up starts at 6.00am.
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten said in a statement: “Let’s show the world that St. Maarten is Open and ready to welcome our guests!” Cruise lines are expected to re-assess the destination in the coming weeks after having carried out initial assessments in late September and early October. Therefore, it is important for community action to show that we are ready to welcome guests to our shores.
The civic organization further stated in its statement, “We can unite and work together to ensure popular spots are adopted and cleaned and are truly ready for visitors,” and further added, “The boardwalk and the route from the cruise ships to Philipsburg should be focused on and cleaned up as well. Mullet Bay, Maho (Airport) Beach are two other popular areas we can bring back to their former glory with a little help from you!”
The world is indeed watching and blogging about destination developments, Port St. Maarten Management said: “We have to use this opportunity to make St. Maarten and its people go viral in a positive manner and this is a positive development to showcase our readiness, we are SXMStrong.”
Rotary Club St. Maarten is calling all Service Clubs, Volunteers, Merchants, Philipsburg Workers, Organizations, and basically anyone interested in seeing a better St. Maarten to unite and help get our Island back to the premier cruise destination of the Caribbean.
Port St. Maarten staff will be assisting club volunteers on November 4. “We are a resilient nation and we know what is at stake. Port St. Maarten has been working since 2014 in re-inventing cruise tourism for the country. This cannot be done alone as everybody has a role to play.
“Our country was devastated by Hurricane Irma on September 6. In order to get the country back on track where cruise tourism is concerned, a united effort is required with all hands on deck.
“We have about seven weeks to get things ready and put into place for the first cruise ship visitors. The ball is in our court. Let’s get out on November 4 and make a difference in our community by getting our country ready for the return of the cruise ships in December,” Port St. Maarten Management said on Monday.
Port St. Maarten Press Release
Source: St. Martin News Network http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/27515-port-st-maarten-endorses-rotary-club-of-st-maarten-sxmunite-let-s-show-them-sxm-is-ready-to-open.html
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