Port St. Maarten Management pleased with Joint Court of Justice Verdict. Looks forward to a New Beginning in 2021. | SMN NEWS

portsxm14122020POINTE BLANCHE:—  Port St. Maarten Management is very pleased with the outcome of the Joint Court of Justice verdict regarding a civil inquiry request into the affairs of the port by the Office of the Public Prosecutor. This civil inquiry was rejected by the court.
“We are very pleased with this verdict. This process started back in 2016 by the Office of the Public Prosecutor, but between that time and now, the port has worked diligently to put various mechanisms in place to strengthen corporate governance.
“The Joint Court of Justice has also recognized that improvements have been made over ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/36385-port-st-maarten-management-pleased-with-joint-court-of-justice-verdict-looks-forward-to-a-new-beginning-in-2021.html