Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs St. Martin Day Speech. | SMN NEWS

sillyjacobs11112020Good Morning Fellow St. Martiners here and abroad and to all the listening and viewing public.

“Sweet St. Martin – Soualiga – Oualichi – St. Martin is my home – Where over the world say where??

Choisy, Wathey, Fleming, Richardson, Flanders, Woods, Van Heyningen, York, Illidge, Lake, Jacobs, Peters, Cannegieters, De Weevers, Hazel, Hodge… names easily recognizable as St. Martiners – people of St. Martin, a people whose ancestors are the indigenous people of this region, Taino, Arawak, Carib or from further afield in Europe, Spain, France, Netherlands, the countries of West Africa… later movement of our people throughout our ...

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