Pumped Up By SCELL Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut

scell27072016PHILIPSBURG:— SCELL,The University of St. Martin’s School of Continuing Education & Life Long Learning was selected by Q.F.S. Enterprises N.V, the St. Maarten Kentucky Fried Chicken & Pizza Hut Franchises to facilitate a Service of Excellence Customer Service Retreat for store employees held on Tuesday, July 26, 2016.
General Manager, Derryck Jack of the St. Maarten franchises stated: This was “state of the art training.” The employees had fun, were engaged, laughed, learned and enjoyed refreshing their knowledge of our vision, mission and new marketing direction. SCELL facilitators Catherine Burns & SCELL Director, Dr. Gittens were simply phenomenal! Their ability to interact with our staff was impressive. My work teams left the retreat uplifted and revitalized! I would highly recommend SCELL to organization on the island who wants to PUMP UP their team members for ongoing customer service excellence.
Dr. Gittens, SCELL Director stated: SCELL is very pleased that Q.F.S. Enterprises, N.V., were elated with our customized retreat results. Our clients are very important to us and we work diligently to make sure we always meet their high standards. I highly encourage organizations on the island to contact SCELL to experience the benefits of effective retreats and to illustrate to their valued team members the benefits of professional training.
The Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut staff had these things to say:
SCELL is doing an amazing job in the community!
I really appreciate that Dr. Gittens provided us with information on how to pursue our education at USM! I am going to take her up on her offer! This was an added bonus to the training.
This Retreat bonded us more and will give us the boost of energy to make our stores in St. Maarten some of the best in the world.
We learned the importance of tourism on our island and how we can ensure they have a great chicken experience and overall island experience. Thank you SCELL!
If you would like SCELL to plan a company Retreat or Business Event, please contact us @ 554-2437 or 543-3710 visit our website @ http://scell.usmonline.onl.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Pumped Up By SCELL Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut