RTV-7 set to rebroadcast talk show with expert explanation about organ and tissue donation, the Dutch Donor Act, and the questions from the Dutch Caribbean community on November 21, 2020 | SMN NEWS

ocandonor20112020The Hague:— On Saturday November 21, 2020 television station RTV-7 will rebroadcast the Stichting Ocan talk show at 7:00 PM (local Dutch time), which is entirely devoted to the new Donor Act (Donorwet) in the Netherlands. This talk show is tailored to the Caribbean-Dutch community and is part of the Stichting Ocan campaign “Mi kurpa Mi desishon My body My choice”, in which we urge everyone in the community to register their choice in the Donor Register.
It is also Stichting Ocan’s aim that everyone makes a well-informed and conscious decision. In the talk show, medical specialists explain what organ ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/36200-rtv-7-set-to-rebroadcast-talk-show-with-expert-explanation-about-organ-and-tissue-donation-the-dutch-donor-act-and-the-questions-from-the-dutch-caribbean-community-on-november-21-2020.html