Shooting leaves three injured — shooters escaped in small vehicles

shootingfillin11102012Dawn Beach:— A shooting in the parking area of Westin Resort has left two persons in serious condition that are currently taking medical treatment at the St. Maarten Medical Center, while a third person had to be taken to the medical institution for medical treatment for a broken leg.  Infomation reaching SMN News said one of the victims is a Beauperthuy that drives taxi and works mostly at Westin Resort.
According to Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson some persons fired shots at two male that was on the third floor of Westin parking lot leaving them in serious condition. Henson the two victims are unable to give police any statement due to the seriousness of the shooting. The police spokesman said a third person who probably witnessed the shooting jumped off the third floor of the parking to escape from the gunshots and he suffered a broken leg. The police spokesman said the shooters escaped in two small vehicles after committing their act.
He also confirmed that the incident involves locals and not visitors to the island.
As soon as SMN News could obtain more information this news item will be updated.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Shooting leaves three injured — shooters escaped in small vehicles