Skills training and GED tutorials start at SoIL in Betty’s Estate.

BETTY’S ESTATE:— The new skills learning and GED tutorial program called The Bridge starts here on Monday, February 6, 2017, at 5:30 pm, said Dr. Rhoda Arrindell, the program director at the Institute for Language Research and Development (ILRD).
“The Bridge is a 12-week program, catering to at-risk youngsters and other individuals who need assistance in getting to their next station,” said Dr. Arrindell. ILRD will host the training program at the Source of Inspirational Learning (SoIL) facility at 1 Alamanda Drive and LB Scott Road, Betty’s Estate.
“The Bridge consists of a full-fledged GED tutorial and weekly seminars conducted by various experts. The seminars will be on topics such as managing one’s taxes, understanding insurance and pension, visual arts and tech, and civil rights and civic duties,” said Dr. Arrindell.
The program registration fee is US$25 per person for the GED tutorials. The seminars are open to the general public and the GED participants.
Registration for the GED tutorials is open at SoIL this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and on Monday, February 6, each day from 7:30 am to 3 p.m., said Arrindell. Participants will receive their schedules and course material upon registration.
“The Bridge is designed to provide participants with practical tools to address everyday challenges,” said Dr. Arrindell, who is a leading St. Martin educator.
“Additionally, as part of the program, youth participants will be assigned mentors, who will serve as ‘Bridge Brothers’ and ‘Bridge Sisters,’ supporting them on their journey to their next destination,” said Dr. Arrindell.
At the end of the 12-week program, said Arrindell, “the effectiveness of the assistance provided to participants” will be evaluated. Rhoda Arrindell is the author of Language, Culture, and Identity in St. Martin.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Skills training and GED tutorials start at SoIL in Betty’s Estate.