~ “Do not come to ER, call your House Doctor first” ~
CAY HILL:--- The Outbreak Management Team (OMT) of the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) is seeing an uptick in COVID-19 admissions (from 2 to 8 admitted patients currently) and persons with COVID-19 symptoms visiting the Emergency Room (ER) for non-emergency related cases and is hereby again reminding the general public to call your General Practitioner (GP), your House Doctor, first if you have COVID-19 symptoms who will assess if you need to be taken to the hospital.
Chairman of the OMT, Dr. Felix Holiday reminds everyone that the ...
To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/39420-smmc-reminds-public-to-stay-at-home-if-symptomatic.html
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