POND FILL:— In an effort to improve on the current playing fields and by extension the development of Volleyball on St. Maarten, the St. Maarten Volleyball Association (SIMVA), through its affiliation with the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association received a new court. Following receipt of this new court, it was decided by SIMVA to donate the court to government facilities and installed and lined at the L.B. Scott Sports Auditorium for the use of both volleyball and basketball. The government facility is managed by the FUSF/NSI, which is the executing arm of government with regards to various sports on the island. The official handover to government took place Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 and the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport Ms. Silveria Jacobs, was present for the handing over of the floor. Others present at the handing over were, the Director of the National Sport Institute (NSI) Mr. David Forsythe, and board member Ms. Keishan Huggins as well as facilities management team, Ms. Jacqueline Richardson, Mr. Sigfried Hodge and Mr. Reynaldo Euson; President of SIMVA, Mr. Raymond Jacobs, as well as the head of the Department of Sports Ms. Jonelle Richardson.
The lifespan of the court, with optimal care, can last up to 15-20 years. Minister Jacobs expressed gratitude to the SIMVA for the contribution to sports on St. Maarten. The restoration of the court has been long overdue. The Department of Sports within the Ministry ECYS has been funding the NSI and the various sporting associations including SIMVA to institutional strengthening them to become federations, which in turn, allows for the growth and longevity of sports on the island. The court was presented during the school volleyball tournament which is currently taking place at the L.B. Scott Sports Auditorium.
Source: St. Martin News Network
St. Maarten Volleyball Association donates new court to L.B. Scott Sports Auditorium.
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