The New Council of Ministers grants half days to Civil Servants.

councilofministers22122016PHILIPSBURG:— The newly sworn in Council of Ministers held their first meeting at the Government Building on Thursday morning December 22nd. Attending the meeting were Prime Minister William Marlin, Minister of Finance Richard Gibson, Minister of Public Health Social Development and Labor Affairs Emil Lee, Minister of Education Culture Youth & Sports Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Christophe Emmanuel.

In its first meeting, the Council of Ministers took the decision amongst others, to grant all Civil Servants “half day off” on December 23rd and 30th where the service permits. These days were chosen because the half days that were normally given before Christmas and the New Year fall in the weekend. The Council of Ministers also decided to grant January 2nd 2017 as a full day off to the Civil Servants in recognition of their hard work and dedication to the organization.

The Council of Ministers would also like to wish all residents and visitors on Sint Maarten Happy Blessed Holidays.

Source: St. Martin News Network
The New Council of Ministers grants half days to Civil Servants.


  1. I work hard every day so that Government can collect their taxes with which they can pay civil servants for most of the time lousy “service”. So now Government grants extra off days which is paid by MY hard earned tax dollars?! How about granting US the hard workers generating all that tax revenue to PAY ALL OF YOU a tax break because we work hard enough so you can have a nice and cushy job without any real deadlines or supervision or accountability.