PHILIPSBURG:— On Thursday 14 April, WIB unveil its newest card product “My Card- WIB’s MasterCard Fun Miles Credit Card” to press and staff. WIB has partnered with both MasterCard and Fun miles to create “My Card “the card that promotes St. Maarten. My card is unique with a map outline of St. Maarten and Globe to indicate its worldwide acceptance. The card also has a silhouette of people enjoying themselves and has a beautiful sunset-strip in the center like that of our beautiful sunsets here. WIB has maintain working with local talent from conceptualization, to design, and Advertisements to proudly state “a made in St. Maarten product”. The card has it rewards by offering 1 Fun Mile point for every $ 2 spent. Cardholders can earn Fun Miles points while purchasing locally, internationally and with online purchases. WIB also gives 250 Fun Miles with first time use of the card. The more you use the card the more you earn Fun Miles.
My Card “WIB MasterCard Fun Miles Credit Card” distinguishes itself from the other credit cards in the Dutch Caribbean by;
1) Promoting St. Maarten/St. Martin- local map design of Island
2) Worldwide acceptance with MasterCard and Fun Miles earned.
3) EMV Certified Chip for better security.
4) Earn Fun Miles even faster:
– 250 Fun Miles with first time use of the Card
-1 Fun Miles for every $ 2 spent with your WIB MasterCard
Fun Miles credit card.
-Earn Fun Miles with local, international and with online purchases.
5) Emergency Card replacement
6) Balance protection insurance
7) Fraud protection insurance
Once more WIB has demonstrated that Your Partners in progress are the leaders in technology in the Dutch Caribbean. Visit your WIB preferred Branch to apply.
Source: SMN News The Windward Islands Bank launches “My Card-WIB’s MasterCard Fun Miles credit card” with EMV chip.
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