Ti Koko and Kush Kush go to school with children of the Virgin Islands. | SMN NEWS

tkkschool16052021PHILIPSBURG:— Ti Koko and Kush Kush by Patricia G. Turnbull is now on the School Reading List for Grade 4 students, said Janice George Harris, Education Officer for Language Arts and Theatre in the Ministry of Education, Tortola, Virgin Islands.
“The progress of this excellent storybook published in the Caribbean has landed it in the curriculum of the Virgin Islands,” said Jacqueline Sample of House of Nehesi (HNP), the book’s publisher in St. Martin.
Ti Koko and Kush Kush, which was issued in 2018, are also under consideration for a Teachers Workshop for the next school year, said Dr. Turnbull.

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/37582-ti-koko-and-kush-kush-go-to-school-with-children-of-the-virgin-islands.html