United Nations Instructs Netherlands to Decolonize Former Netherlands Antilles. | SMN NEWS

prosoualiga05112020PHILIPSBURG:— In 1953, one year prior to the adoption of the Kingdom Charter, the United Nations, via Resolution 747 (VIII), expressed to the Netherlands “its confidence that, as a result of the negotiations (with the former Netherlands Antilles), a new status will be attained by the Netherlands Antilles and Surinam representing a full measure of self-government in fulfillment of the objectives set forth in Chapter XI of the (UN) Charter.” In 1954, the Netherlands adopted the very restrictive Kingdom Charter in contravention to the advice given by the United Nations Fourth Committee the previous year. In 1955, the United ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38160-united-nations-instructs-netherlands-to-decolonize-former-netherlands-antilles.html