Urgent Public meeting of Parliament regarding the short and medium-term financial socio-economic outlook and solutions for St. Maarten. | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG:—The House of Parliament will sit in an urgent Public meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. The Public meeting is scheduled for 14.00 hrs. and will be held in a virtual setting.
The Minister of Finance, Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, and the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport, and Telecommunications will be in attendance.

The agenda point is:
The short and medium-term financial socio-economic outlook and solutions for St. Maarten (IS/1147/2019-2020 dated August 25, 2020)

This meeting was requested by MP M.D. Gumbs, MP R.A. Peterson, MP S.A. Wescot-Williams, MP C.A. ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/35964-urgent-public-meeting-of-parliament-regarding-the-short-and-medium-term-financial-socio-economic-outlook-and-solutions-for-st-maarten.html