USM males mission to increase male enrollment.

usmmaleenrollment15032016PHILIPSBURG:— The University of St. Martin’s School of Continuing Education and Life Long Learning, (SCELL) has joined forces with Males at USM to increase Male Enrollment in 2016. The campaign will officially kick off in May inviting all interested males from the community to attend an informational session organized by SCELL. Dr. Gittens, The Founder of SCELL stated I founded Youth Professionals Network (YPN) to support young men enrolled at USM with a solid platform to share their personal academic experiences with potential USM male students. I believe this is a perfect formula to empower USM males to become mentors while simultaneously pursuing their academic dreams and enc ouraging others to pursue degrees at USM and UVI at USM. Currently there are 37 males enrolled at USM and YPN has set a firm goal to increase that number to 57, enrolling 20 males to USM/UVI by August 1, 2016.
Mr. Javid Hurtault the President of YPN and a second year accounting major stated: Education never stops and should be viewed as an ongoing personal development. The more males on the island that pursue degrees the better the St. Maarten community will become.
Mr. Nerette Dickson, Vice President of YPN stated: I do not take this appointment lightly as Vice President of YPN. My years at USM have been on and off but I realize now that I must take my Education seriously and make it a priority. I am committed to encouraging others males to make the right choice to earn a degree at USM.
Frid Pompee, a first year student enrolled in the BTEC accredited Hospitality, Tourism & Management program and YPN’s Event Manager stated: Life without education is not life, especially for us, black men of the future. Education is the bridge that everyone should cross the key passage way that leads to endless and unlimited possibilities for future, our families and our communities.
Chantell Andre the Community Affairs Officer of Women’s Island Network, (WIN) and Aisha Vanterpool an Honorary Board Member of WIN, will both act as Advisory Board members for YPN. Their professional expertise and years of managing, leading and directing companies makes them ideal as advisory board leaders. They will be the backbone of YPN and the foundation of ensuring that YPN grows and achieves it goals.
Mrs. Andre said “It is important to take advantage of opportunities that will increase your knowledge particularly for both men and women on the island. Being educated is a choice, one that will open many doors.” Ms. Vanterpool said “Education broadens our horizons and gives us a better understanding of our island and the world around us it also is the key to boosting the St. Maarten economy. As WIN Board members we are committed to guiding, directing and supporting the young men of YPN to reach their goals and assist in the much needed enrollment of males at The University of St. Martin.”
For Further information on YPN and information or questions on how to enroll at USM, please call 554-2437 or visit the SCELL website @

Source: St. Martin News Network USM males mission to increase male enrollment.