Visit to the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) by Minister of VSA Omar Ottley . | SMN NEWS

omarottleymentalhealth08072021PHILIPSBURG:— On July 7, 2021, Minister Ottley visited the Mental Health Foundation with his cabinet members Johnnie Richardson and Richenell Hanley. Also present were Dr. Felix Holiday president of the board, Arno Peels Treasurer, Dr. Hoencamp Psychiatrist, Sandro Garcia Finance and Operational director, and Eileen Healy projects.

They were given a presentation of the foundation, containing the history since 2006, the developments, and the current needs and plans. MHF has based its future plans on the needs of its patients. Patients’ and family’s needs are based on the data collected since 2006. In mental health care, family and caregivers support ...

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