VMT announces new Vaccination Policy for April 26 for Two Weeks. | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):—  The Vaccination Management Team (VMT) on Sunday announced a new Walk-in vaccination policy starting on Monday, April 26th for the next two weeks.
The VMT announced on Friday, April 23rd, that it will start an ’open house’ vaccination policy at the Belair Community Center and at the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA) Collective Prevention Services (CPS) to boost the vaccination rate over a two-week period.
Starting Monday, April 26th, both vaccination locations are inviting all Sint Maarten residents who have not yet registered to come to the Belair Community Center between 9.00 ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/37392-vmt-announces-new-vaccination-policy-for-april-26-for-two-weeks.html