Weapon Policy to be enforced by the Ministry of Justice. | SMN NEWS

annarichardson06032022PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday, September 30, 2022, the new Weapon Policy of the Ministry of Justice was published in the National Gazette. The Honorable Minister of Justice, Anna E. Richardson initiated the establishment of a new weapon policy when it became apparent that some aspects of the Weapon Policy of 2016 needed to be updated or further developed. Relevant stakeholders within the Justice chain such as Korps Politie van Sint Maarten (KPSM), the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and the Customs Department were included in the drafting process of the new policy.

In the same manner that a person requires a driver’s license ...


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/41428-weapon-policy-to-be-enforced-by-the-ministry-of-justice.html