Pond Island, USM, The Great Salt Pond has a vast history, an interesting and supposedly damaged status quo and undefined potential for the future. As this has been a growing concern of some citizens, USM’s Dean of Academics, Ms. Geneve Phillip has accepted an invitation by Ms. Margot van Malenstein to conduct a series of stakeholder’s workshops. Margot, a Biologist who is deeply interested in environmental sustainability, will kick off the discussion by tackling the issue of how we can best sustain and save the national heritage of the Salt Pond. According to van Malenstein “sharing knowledge does not exclusively take place in schools. We all learn new things every day and this knowledge naturally becomes interwoven with personal experience. Many of us have some experience or story concerning the GSP, although no overview has been made of these experiences – of what’s going on. Exactly that focus, on personal experiences, makes this project unique”, she concluded by saying.
The first workshop, “What’s up?!”, is to be held tomorrow Thursday, December 1st, at the University of St. Martin. The session will begin with an introduction and will progress to the setting up of a baseline of the status quo – drawing a picture of the GSP as it is now. For this, attendees will be asked to share a personal story capturing for instance: what is your relationship to the GSP? Does the GSP affect your personal life? It is hoped that the process of story sharing and telling will help in identifying actors, facts, assumptions and unknowns. In turn, identifying the unknown can help us all in creating plans for the future.
Everyone is invited and welcome to attend. Calling all neighbors of the GSP! Citizens! Parents! Youth! Janitors! Sanitation workers! Students! Entrepreneurs! Nature lovers! Anyone from the tourism industry! Come out and let your voices be heard in this new dialogue. Minors under 16 are asked to come supervised by an adult.
Check out www.facebook.com/PSISXM for more information and updates.
Join us on: Thursday, December, 1st 2016
“What’s up?!”
USM campus
7:00 p.m.
Free Entrance
Come and share your own experience, listen to other people’s stories and let’s try together to get new developments in motion.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Source: St. Martin News Network
What’s up?!” with the Great Salt Pond Ms. Margot van Malenstein (BSc.) to host series of workshops at USM related to her research on the Great Salt Pond (GSP.
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