Art project raises awareness for suicide

GREAT BAY – Escaping the Vault and the Mental Health Foundation are collaborating to present “Love & Semicolon”, an art project created to raise awareness for suicide, and are asking for submissions of both art and writing.
“A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. When it comes to suicide, suicide survivors are the authors who chose to continue living even when they didn’t want to” says the writer of Escaping the Vault, a blog dedicated to raising mental health awareness, “Suicide is a serious topic, and it needs to be addressed more often. So many people are losing their lives through suicide even though it is preventable – if only we knew the signs in advance. That’s why we need to begin educating ourselves and start taking suicide seriously. I truly hope that a lot of people participate, and hopefully, we can shed at least some of the stigma that comes with suicide.”
The deadline for submissions is September 1. Written materials, digital art, and photos are to be sent to, and physical artworks are to be left at the Mental Health Foundation in Cayhill, and after the artwork is collected, there will be an art exhibition held to commemorate World Suicide Prevention Month.

Source: TODAY