Author Ralph Cantave: “I write because it is healthy”

GREAT BAY – Ralph Cantave (age 21) is a local author, poet, radio host, student (at the University of St. Maarten (USM) and youth ambassador. He began writing while in high school, around the age of 15, using Teen Times as an outlet to publish his work. He was inspired to start writing by his love for history and politics, and the impact that it had on him. “I realized that a lot of information I received was stuff that most of my peers didn’t have, and I realized that I also have a gift – a talent for writing and used that as my way of expressing myself, teaching and empowering others”.
“The majority of stuff that I write is based on politics, social issues, current events, history, and culture, but what inspires me is knowing that my writing can impact someone and creates that spark within them to want to go for information and just grow and excel. I write because it’s healthy, it allows me to get everything that I have in my brain out of my brain, and speak to people. I always say my best form of speech is through writing”
Cantave is currently the author of two books, “Words of Change: Voices from Soualigan Soil”, a compilation of his work on history, culture and politics of St. Maarten, and his recent one, “21 & Savage”, published Sunday. “21 & Savage” was inspired by his studies of the Grenada revolution, and is a poetry book on empowerment, self-awareness, being bold, courage and social issues. “I was really intrigued by the fact that the majority (if not all) of the participants of the revolution were under the age of 40,” he says. “And I’ve always been interested in poetry since high school, so I decided that I might as well publish some poetry, because it’s just something I also like”.
“One of the main things I want people to learn from it, is to never be afraid to be who you are, embrace being in your element, continue working on yourself and your craft – whatever it is you like, just do it. Don’t bother with what people have to say. That is where the “savage” comes from – being bold.”

Source: TODAY