BREAKING NEWS: Man of unsound mind found dead in Prison cell in Philipsburg. (UPDATED)

ossielaville27012023PHILIPSBURG:— A man identified as Ossie Laville who was arrested on Thursday for carrying a weapon was found dead in the prison cell in Philipsburg.
SMN News learned that the man believed to be of unsound mind was found on Thursday walking around Philipsburg with a machete when he was arrested and taken to Philipsburg Police Station and placed in custody. the prison detainee was then placed in one of the prison cells located at the back of Philipsburg Police Station.
No details have not been released about the sudden death of the prisoner.

The Immigration Department is currently working together with medical professionals in connection with a gentleman who was placed in holding last evening, Thursday, January 26, 2023. After being detained by the police for a criminal offense, processed by the Prosecutor’s Office, and handed over to the Immigration Department, a further investigation confirmed that he was residing on the island illegally and homeless. More updates in relation to the developments of this case will be shared with the public.

IND Bulletin

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