Central Bank helps with employment fund

St. Maarten News – The cabinet has called in the help of the Central Bank to set up the Employment Fund for young job seekers. Today Prime Minister William Marlin meets with a two-strong support team from the Central Bank to discuss the issue. Previously, the PM discussed his options with the President of the bank, Emsley Tromp.

“The government is a shareholder in the central bank,” Marlin said yesterday. We have not used the potential and the resources of the bank sufficiently in the past. It has top lawyers and top economists. It is amazing, the speed with which the bank is able to produce documents in the Dutch and the English language.”

Marlin said that the expertise the bank makes available for advice about the employment fund is free of charge.

“The bank has made people available to prepare the legislation for the establishment of the employment fund and to advice about the realization of funding. We’d do that rather than paying thousands of dollars to a consultant. We are using the resources of the Central Bank.”

Source: Today SXM Central Bank helps with employment fund