Congressman Daniel Gibbs during yesterday’s press conference. Photo Today / Hilbert Haar
MARIGOT, St. Martin – “I welcome that the state of emergency was extended to the overseas territories,” Congressman Daniel Gibbs (Union pour la Democratie) said at a press conference at his office in Galis Bay yesterday in a reaction to the terrorist attacks that hit the French capital on Friday, November 13.
“In the aftermath of these events I was in Paris to attend the extraordinary National Congress in Versailles where President Hollande delivered his speech,” Gibbs said. He emphasized that the attacks have a wider impact.
“The horror does not only concern the Métropole. Our territories deserve the same protection as the rest of the country.”
Gibbs said that he experienced the dismay, but also the determination among the French people in the aftermath of the attacks. “It is still time to mourn the victims, but let us not forget that we have to move forward and take the necessary measures to fight against these acts of cruelty that constitute a real crime against humanity.”
Gibbs warned against political debate about this issue. He called for national unity among the French people, in the métropole and overseas.”We have to remain united and strong during these tough moments. I do not doubt that we shall know how to act accordingly, to help freedom triumph over terrorism.”The government understood the proposals we have made during the past couple of months in terms of nationals security and foreign policy. The measures that allow the state of emergency have been effectively implemented.”
Source: Today SXM Daniel Gibbs about the aftermath of Paris: “Our territories deserve the same protection”
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