DP criticizes MP De Weever: “Counterpart policy is a sure recipe for massive lay-offs”

St. Maarten – “As much as he tries, MP and former Minister OF Public health, Social Development and Labor Cornelius de Weever will never be able to convince anyone that the reason for his defection from the Red-White-Blue coalition in 2014 had something to do with opposition he encountered back then to “his” counterpart law,” Democratic Party MP Sarah Wescot-Williams states in a press release.

While this is far from the truth to begin with, the MP has failed up to this day to show any tangible results from enforcing this policy, as he claimed he and his new allies would,” Wescot-Williams adds. She notes furthermore that De Weever “seemed hell-bent on forcing through this policy unilaterally, which approach is doomed to fail and rather than get the private sector on board, would have created a rift which the country can ill afford.”

Forcing any business to hire, because “government says so”, is a sure recipe for lay-offs and unemployment, Wescot-Williams stated.

Luckily for all of us, those in the know are quietly, yet effectively approaching the matter of employment in the only manner it will really work and that is through partnership,” the press release states. “The Democratic Party reiterates its position on this matter, namely that only through concerted efforts between labor and business will we see more of our people employed in careers of their choice and for those who seek such, mobility in the labor market, in other words new job opportunities.”

In this context, the initiative by the Labor Department via their Start Here program, coupled with their support for the SHTA job fair and business initiatives such as those of the Maho Group of Companies is the way to go if we are serious about placing more of our people in positions throughout St. Maarten, Wescot-Williams points out.

We laud these initiatives and look forward to receiving the data collected, showing the results of these endeavors. We encourage the government departments and organizers of these job fairs to collate their information and provide a true picture of the vacancies on one hand and the employment seekers on the other hand.”

Any mismatch between these two, should be solid indicators for institutions such as USM and Nipa, the MO stated. “If our students abroad can also be brought into the loop, we would have come full circle.”

Source: Today SXM DP criticizes MP De Weever: “Counterpart policy is a sure recipe for massive lay-offs”