Dutch politicians want clarity about Ennia Insurances

THE HAGUE – Politicians in The Hague demand clarity about the situation at insurance company Ennia and the role of the Central Bank of Curacao and St. Maarten and the Dutch National Bank, John Samson reports on Caribisch Netwerk.

The Financieele Dagblad reported on Friday that Ennia’s owner reportedly sucked the company dry under the (not so) watchful eyes of the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten. The FD-article suggested that possibly tens of thousands of policy holders are stuck with an insurance that offers insufficient coverage. Ennia has denied the allegations and the Central Bank hosts a press conference this afternoon in Willemstad.

In The Hague the question came up what the role or the involvement is of the Dutch National Bank since it reportedly asked and obtained additional authority from the Dutch Minister of Finance to intervene in Curacao.

The VVD has questions for Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem but coalition party PvdA does not want to react to the commotion. The Socialist Party says that the Central Bank of Curacao and St. Maarten is not functioning and it wants the Netherlands to intervene.

Source: Today SXM Dutch politicians want clarity about Ennia Insurances