Henderson conference about life insurance


Next week Thursday at Belair Community Center

St. Maarten News – For the third consecutive year, insurance broker Henderson organizes an educational conference with top speakers of the Central Bank and three different insurance companies. Under the slogan Make Your Dash Count, the event will kick off at the Belair Community Center next week Thursday at 5.30 p.m.

Insurance broker Neil Henderson explained yesterday that these educational conferences are his way of giving value back to the community. “The world is changing dramatically and the risks people are exposed to, are taking a turn for the worse. People have to look more at themselves and less at governments for solutions.”

Henderson refers to the recent bombing in Brussels as an example of the risks in the current climate. “People are looking at the insurance sector to provide security but unfortunately our sector is least understood. Therefore, every year we listen to our customers and we assess the main concerns that they have. Then we create a theme for our conference.”

The conference will address the stages in people’s lives – from birth to death – and explain how they can make use of life insurance policies. “You go from birth through the education phase of your life towards the moment you are having a family and buying a home until retirement,” Henderson says. “During all these stages there are specific life insurance products available to protect people’s assets.”

Source: Today SXM Henderson conference about life insurance