Jihadi Rafaa on the run, but not on the island


St.maarten– Information that the presumed jihadi Rachid Rafaa was on the run in St. Martin circulated on social media on Thursday. Rafaa was placed under house arrest in Martinique in May 2014, but on July 27 he no longer respected the conditions and he has been on the run since that day.

“We have been informed like everybody else that Rafaa is on the run,” Captain Emmanuel Maignan says. “His description has been given to the immigration at the port and the airport on the French side. We have also alerted the police on the Dutch side, but we do not have a single concrete indication that he is on the run on our island. The only thing we know is that he is no longer at his home in Martinique.”

Rafaa was born in Morocco in 1976. The authorities in his country suspect him of links to Aqmi, the Islamic branch of Al Qaeda in the Maghreb.
Source: Today SXM Jihadi Rafaa on the run, but not on the island