Jubilee Library offers spreadsheet-course

St. Maarten News – The Philipsburg Jubilee Library offers a 3-month course in Microsoft Excel for beginners every Tuesday and Wednesday, starting on February 2. The spreadsheet course will take place in the Media Lab and will take place on both days from 6 to 8 p.m. The instructor is Kenneth Peters.

The course provides innovative solutions to private and business budgeting. Participants will learn how to calculate using functions, how to create powerful analysis, to understand how an analysis flow or tree can be designed, how to translate business-requirements into data-driven solutions and how to make better use of data in excel sheets or other file formats.

The fee is $5 for each session. To sign up call the library at 542 29 70, e-mail Francia Housen at admin@stmaartenlibrary.org or register online at www.medialabsintmaarten.com.

Source: Today SXM Jubilee Library offers spreadsheet-course