GREAT BAY – Vromi-Minister Christophe Emmanuel publicly criticized the country’s garbage haulers for doing a sloppy job during yesterday’s Council of Ministers press briefing. “To the garbage haulers: in my opinion you seem to be reverting back to how the island looked like in December. I am saying to each and every one of you to pull up your socks or I will have to pull up mine – and that is not the direction you want to go.”
The minister said that he is receiving a lot of calls from all over the island about the garbage collection. “Garbage is not being picked up frequently and consistently. It is a concern that I intend to tackle and I am not going to bend or sway when it comes to garbage haulers.”
Emmanuel said that things were on the right track for a while. “However, we have slowed down and it is unacceptable. I say to each and every one of you – you know who you are – please do what you have to do in a consistent manner. It does not look good for the people of our island. They are not happy with the way their districts are looking.”
In December of last year, the minister fined two garbage haulers 3,500 guilders each for not living up to their contracts.
A week later, the minister indicated that he intended to collect the fines too: “The requisite department is charged with the collection. We definitely are going to collect those fines, otherwise there is no point issuing them. Our department gives two warnings and then a fine follows.”
Source: TODAY
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