Minister Kirindongo concerned about recent criminal events

St.maarten – Minister of Justice Edson Kirindongo expressed in a press release his deepest concern about “the criminal events that took place over the last few days and which unfortunately had some fatalities.” The minister extended sincere words of condolence to the family members of the deceased.

Last Wednesday, Omar Jones was shot to death in his cell in the Pointe Blanche prison. On Sunday morning Alrico Dolphin was shot in front of his house on the Soursop Road. On Friday Doniel Darryl Thomas was shot in his leg in St. Peters.

The minister “assured the entire community that all departments within the justice ministry and mainly the police department along with the prosecutor’s office and the French authorities have been working tirelessly and very close with each other in these ongoing investigations.”

Source: Today SXM Minister Kirindongo concerned about recent criminal events