Minister of VSA Omar Ottley, SZV & SMDC Make History With After-Hour House Doctor Care.

ottleyaftercare21062023PHILIPSBURG:— Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Mr. Omar Ottley, alongside Social & Health Insurances SZV and the St. Maarten Diagnostic Center (SMDC), made history on Monday, June 19, with the contract signing of the Huisarten Post (HAP) services referred to as ‘House Doctor Care after-hours’. Present at the signing, were the honorable Minister of VSA, Mr. Omar Ottley, SZV Director, Mr. Glen Carty, SZV Chief Operations Officer, Mr. Reginald Willemsberg, Dr. Danny Dennaoui of SMDC and SMDC Chief Operations Manager Mr. Joshua Djemadi.
Presently, patients do not …

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