Opinion: Vote of no confidence

Research by the Central Bureau of Statistics in Curacao returned a near fatal blow for the country’s politicians. Only 2.3 percent of the respondents among 2,620 households said that they trust their politicians. In other words, 97.7 percent do not trust the country’s legislators.

Suspicion towards politicians is nothing new and it is not uniquely prevalent in Curacao. It is a phenomenon across the board, and we suspect – though we obviously do not have hard evidence for it – that a similar research in, say, the Netherlands, Japan, the United States or St. Maarten would most likely return the same results.

Remarkably, with practically everyone mistrusting politicians, close to 64 percent in Curacao said that they would go and vote in September.

How does that hang?

Elections feel a bit like the magic potion taken in fairy tales whereby suddenly everything becomes better, or at least completely different.

We have seen in St. Maarten that elections do not bring about the changes people are craving for (or say they are craving for).

After every election, people are disappointed and they grumble and grumble until the next elections roll around. Then they will do the same thing they have always done since the day they were eligible to vote – and expect a different result.

The call for change is another one of those mysteries, because in general people do not like change at all.

Go tell a veteran in no matter which industry that from tomorrow he has to totally change the way he is working, and more often than not that veteran will go apeshit.

Source: Today SXM Opinion: Vote of no confidence