Police offer free robbery awareness training

St. Maarten – The police department has started offering robbery awareness training to banks, supermarkets, jewelry stores and other businesses at no cost. Last Tuesday Chief Commissioner Carl John was at hand for such training for staff at the Receiver’s Office at the Government Administration Building.

The police force asks business that are interested in the training to contact the community police officer in their area. The police is looking forward to forming alliances with businesses and individuals who wants to come on board.

The awareness program entails a security review of businesses. Under this chapter, the police will look at how businesses handle cash, an evaluation of the company’s natural and mechanical surveillance system and a review of the lighting system.

There is also a theoretical presentation about preventive measures, about what to do and how to behave during a robbery and what to do afterwards.

In a practical session, the trainers will reenact a robbery with real time training.

After the practical training there is a collective psychological evaluation to debrief participants and to make sure that they experience has not traumatized them.

The training concludes with an overall evaluation and with a presentation to management with tips to improve procedures.

Source: Today SXM Police offer free robbery awareness training