Pondfill ring road foot bridges have lost their shine


This foot bridge has seriously deteriorated over the past 40 months. Photo Today / Hilbert Haar

St. Maarten News – Back in December 2012, with the festive season around the corner, then Prime Minister William Marlin ordered public works to build three foot bridges across the ditch that separates the unfinished ring road from the Walter Nisbeth road.

The landmass created by the ring road track was designed as a parking area – and it still functions as such today.

In 2012, the foot bridges were in a mint condition, but the past forty months they have taken serious hits from the weather conditions.

The wooden planks over a simple steel frame that form the bridges, have come loose and they feel so iffy in certain spots that they give the impression they could collapse any day. Maintenance of these little bridges obviously has not been a priority at public works.

Source: Today SXM Pondfill ring road foot bridges have lost their shine