St. Maarten News – The 15th SMART – St. Martin/St. Maarten Annual Regional Trade Show – is slated for May 18th -20th, 2016 at Le Beach Hotel (former Beach Plaza Hotel) on the Northern side of the Island. SMART is the largest trade show in the North Eastern Caribbean for Tour Operators, Travel Agents, Travel Writers, and Event Planners from the US, Canada, Europe, and Latin America. The online registration for participation is now open and available for all interested persons. Registration can be done via Registration period is open from March 14th to May 6th, 2016.
Attendees at last year’s event concurred that it was a successful SMART and organizers are, once again preparing to surpass expectations with the 2016 edition. This year the host venue will be on the northern side of the island. The alternation of host venues on either side of the island is a tradition that dates back to the inception of the event. For over 15 years, SMART has been tangible evidence that a collaboration between the French and Dutch tourism stakeholders of the island can be lucrative and successful.
The L’Association des Hoteliers de St. Martin, L’Office du Tourisme de St. Martin in conjunction with the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association are expecting numerous Tour Operators, Travel Agents, Travel Writers, and Event Planners from the US, Canada, Europe, and Latin America to return to the island for this important event. The tradeshow provides a unique opportunity for local and regional hoteliers and activities providers to present their tourism product, network and negotiate prospective business opportunities.
After years of success and progress, in addition to St. Martin/St. Maarten, other islands attending this event now include Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Saba, St. Barth’s, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts & Nevis, and Barbados. It has become a very significant event for the entire region in recent years, one that should not be missed!
SMART 2016 kicks off on Wednesday May 18th, 2016 when delegates have the opportunity to meet and mingle with their peers at the welcome reception hosted at Le Beach Hotel, before a full day of business where participants have set up appointments with travel partners and wholesalers as well as hotel and excursion operations for one-on-one discussions on potential business ventures. In addition to the pre-organized appointments, throughout the trade show, participants may also set up additional appointments.
Registration and additional details are available on the website or the SHTA website by contacting the St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association via email at and/or by phone at 542-0108. SHTA looks forward to welcoming all participants to SMART 2016.
Source: Today SXM Registration for St. Maarten Trade Show participation starts
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