Tyrell Pantophlet (PLAEX) to present at SMILE. | SMN NEWS

tyrellpanthoplhlet10072023PHILIPSBURG:— The Sint Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA) announced the participation of Tyrell Pantophlet, as one of its speakers at the 27th – 28th of October St. Maarten Innovations, Initiatives & Industries Link-Up Event (SMILE). St. Maarten-born Pantophlet is the founder, CEO, and CTO of PLAEX, a waste management technology company. He was dubbed by Sprout Magazine as one of the most promising ’25 talented under 25s’ and won a prize from CSU, a large waste management company that became PLAEX’s partner.
St. Maartener Pantophlet amongst others studied at the …

Read more: https://smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/43354-over-70-caribbean-students-to-attend-third-igt-coding-and-robotics-rock-camp.html