WIPM 3 seats in Saba elections, PEP two seats.

sabaelection16032023SABA:—The Windward Islands People’s Movement (WIPM) of Bruce Zagers won Saba’s Island Council elections on Wednesday with three seats. The new Party for Progress, Equality, and Prosperity (PEP) of Saskia Matthew secured two seats in the Island Council.

In total, 1,040 valid votes were cast for the Island Council, of which 617 went to the WIPM and 324 votes were for the PEP. To gain a seat, parties needed to get 208 votes. The blank list of Dave Levenstone, list 4 received 95 votes, and the new Saba Caring People Party of Enrico “Cuchie” Klaber 4 votes.

Shortly after 11:00 pm, …

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