14 fines, 1 arrest in traffic controls | THE DAILY HERALD

St. Maarten Police Force KPSM conducted another round of controls on Airport Road to ensure traffic safety.


COLE BAY–On Friday, February 18, Saturday, February 19, and Sunday February 20, St. Maarten Police Force KPSM conducted traffic controls in the Cole Bay area. In total, 14 vehicles were stopped and checked in Cole Bay, Simpson Bay and Cupecoy. According to a police press release on Sunday, fourteen fines were issued for a range of offenses and one suspect was arrested.

  According to police spokesperson Joe Josepha, the traffic controls were carried out to ensure a high level of traffic safety.

  The suspect was arrested by the patrol in connection with an earlier incident at the Richmond drive in Cole Bay. The suspect was later turned over to immigration for failure to provide a valid residence permit.

  KPSM will be continuously carrying out these controls, due to the fact that some road users are not respecting nor obeying St. Maarten’s traffic regulations. Their behaviour has become a nuisance to the community and, more important, it endangers the lives of others, concluded the press release.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/14-fines-1-arrest-in-traffic-controls