22 graduate at USM’s 29th commencement ceremony | THE DAILY HERALD

The USM graduates

~ Keyon Lynch gets Academic Achievement Award ~

CAY HILL–Twenty-two students made a major stride in their tertiary education journey when they graduated during University of St. Martin’s (USM’s) 29th Commencement Ceremony at Belair Community Center on Saturday, June 17.

The 22 students graduated from various programmes. Keyon Lynch received the prestigious Academic Achievement Award for attaining the highest grade-point average, while Nicholas Pida was honoured with the President’s Award for his exceptional capacity in both academics and extracurricular activities. Both students graduated from the Associate of Arts in General Liberal Arts programme.

Joanna Franklyn, who graduated from the Associate of Arts in Business programme, received Cum Laude distinction. In addition to her degree, she also obtained a Level 4 Higher National Certificate from BTEC.

The Outstanding Faculty award, selected by the graduating class, was presented to Juliana Shipley Hodge, who received recognition for her exceptional commitment to teaching and guiding students throughout their academic journey.

Graduates represented a range of programmes, including Associate of Arts in General Liberal Arts, Associate of Arts in Business, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, Master of Arts in Educational Leadership, Master of Arts in School Counselling, and Certificate in Secondary Teacher Preparation.

President of the USM Board of Directors and Foundation Valerie Giterson Pantophlet opened the event, welcoming guests.

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Affairs Chief of Cabinet Gwendoline Holiday and USM President Antonio Carmona Baez delivered remarks, along with University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) President David Hall, and USM Interim Dean of Academics Wycliffe Smith.

USM said in a press release that attendees were “captivated” by the “insightful and moving” keynote speech delivered by Yadira Boston, leaving many in tears with her inspiring words.

Boston and her husband Delroy Pierre received their PhD degrees from The University of the West Indies (The UWI) in May 2023. These are the first two doctoral graduates among USM faculty.

Carmona congratulated the general education diploma (GED) graduates and encouraged them to go further with their studies.

Sweet Pan Entertainment added a touch of elegance to the ceremony, leading the procession with their soulful rendition of “Pomp and Circumstance” on the steel pan.

Judith Anderson-Woods delivered the class address during the event, reflecting on the achievements, challenges and growth experienced by the graduating class.

The dedication and commitment shown by the students were further highlighted as two outstanding male students were recognised for their contributions to USM.

USM commended the graduates on their achievements and thanked the faculty, staff and guests for their unwavering support in shaping the future leaders of tomorrow. USM staffers urged individuals to believe in themselves and embrace the transformative opportunities offered by USM.

Applications for the Fall 2023 semester are now open, and interested individuals are invited to visit the campus for further information or to begin the application process. The application fee remains US $25, and the deadline for submissions is fast approaching: July 9, 2023. Alternatively, applications can be completed online at www.usm.sx.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/22-graduate-at-usm-s-29th-commencement-ceremony