Many persons obtained information at the Department of Solidarity and Families Open Day held recently.
MARIGOT–The Collectivité has noted based on counting of identification cards of visitors, some 280 persons benefitted from individual consultations during the recent Department of Solidarity and Families Open Day. This number may be revised slightly upwards, as some people were not interviewed and registered.
Some of them benefitted from a personalised follow-up since the event. The Collectivité is currently working on a method of processing and analysing the data collected: age group, place of residence, purpose of the visit and information channel.
The Collectivité thanks its partners for their availability for the open day. A dozen information stands were open to the public, including two stands from insurance companies. Among those participating were social services of the Collectivité, the State, Pôle Emploi, the MAIA, Social Security, Service Education Specialisée et de Soins a Domicile (SESSAD) and Bethany Home.
As indicated by third Vice President Sofia Carti-Codrington: “The aim of this initiative was to create a link with the population, to make people aware of the national and territorial schemes in force on the territory of St. Martin so that these people are guided in their efforts to access public aid. It is through this type of event that it is possible to know one’s rights, to obtain information and to get help.”
Source: The Daily Herald
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